Da Prá Hnos Y Cias SA
Rodolfo Lopez 100
Quilmes BS AS B1878CJB
Phone: 5411-4254-7096
E-mail: tecnicodph@daprahnos.com.ar
Aquacorp Pty Ltd
52 Sherriff Street
Underdale 5032
Attn: Sales
Phone: 618/82349411
Fax: 618/82349477
E-mail: sales@aquacorp.com.au
Da Prá Hnos Y Cias SA
Rodolfo Lopez 100
Quilmes BS AS B1878CJB
Phone: 5411-4254-7096
E-mail: tecnicodph@daprahnos.com.ar
Vissers Sales Corp.
220 Industrial Parkway South
Unit 20
Aurora, Ontario
L4G 3V6, Canada
Phone: 905-841-4073
Fax: 905-841-4018
E-mail: sales@vissers.on.ca
DI and Environmental Cont.
Unit 809, 8/f Century Centre
44-46 Hung To Road
Kwun Tong, Kowloon Hong Kong
Attn: Mr. Wilson Yuen
Phone: 852-23450177
Fax: 852-23574106
E-mail: di@dinec.com.hk
Shanghai High Quality Instruments CO.,LTD.
4F(west), No.1 Building,
Lane 658, Jinzhong Rd.
Shanghai 200335
Attn: Stanley Gao (Sales Director)
Phone: 021-5169 3889*84
Mob: 139-1698-6461
Fax: 021-6130 4216
E-mail: gaotao@hq17.com
El Elmia For Supplies
9 Ahmed Mohamed Kamal
Front of International Garden
Nasr City
Cairo, Egypt
Tel/Fax: 002/02/ 22751382
002/02/ 22751383
Cell: 002-011-10055405
Contact: Osama Mohamed El Kateeb
E-mail: almiatech@yahoo.com
Camlab Limited
Norman Way Industrial Estate
Over, Cambridge, England
CB24 5WE
Attn: Mr. David Miller
Phone: 44-1954-233100
Fax: 44-1954-233101
E-mail: water@camlab.co.uk
TEMAK Water Treatment Systems
254 Tatoiou Avenue
Acharnes (Menidi), Attiki
Athens, Greece - 13677
Phone: 30-210-2581583
Fax: 30-210-2533989
E-mail: info@temak.gr
DI and Environmental Cont
unit 809, 8/f Century Centre
44-46 Hung To Road
Kwun Tong, Kowloon Hong Kong
Attn: Mr. Wilson Yuen
Phone: 852-23450177
Fax: 852-23574106
E-mail: di@dinec.com.hk
Vortex Electronics Ltd.
PO Box - 11, A/204 Mahan Terrace
Adajan Road, Surat - 395 009
Gujarat India
Phone: 91-261-2782625
Fax: 91-261-2785000
E-mail: sales@vortex.in
ITS Envirochem PTE LTD
219 Henderson Road #08-03
Singapore 159556
Phone: 65-6309-3212
Fax: 65-6273-0810
Contact: Jeslyn Tay
Water Technology Ltd.
Togher Ind Est
Togher Cork, Ireland
Attn: Diarmaid Ryan Sales & Marketing Manager
Phone: 0214965600
Mobile: 00353872576211
E-mail: dryan@wtlireland.com
113 Moshav Yad
Rambam, Israel 99793
Attn: Shimon Kalfon
Phone: 972-8-9248514
Fax: 972-8-9248521
E-mail: shimon@aquatech.co.il
Shinkoh Electronics Co., Ltd.
6-20-8-8F, Minami-Oi
Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo
140-0013, Japan
Attn: Takuya Kinoshita
Phone: +81-3-6404-1003
Fax: +81-3-6404-1005
E-mail: sales1@shinkoh-elecs.co.jp
Arab Engineers Water Technology
P.O. Box 604
Amman, Jordan 11953
Phone: 962 6 5561 662
Fax: 962 6 5543 639
E-mail: info@arab-engs.com
Contact: Taysir Al-Mestarihi
Jungwoo Instruments
Ga-220, Chungang Cir Cmpx
(guro-dong) 15, Gyunginro 53-gil
guro-gu, Seoul 08217
s Korea
Attn: J.I. Lee
Phone: 822-2-2637-3887
Fax: 822-2-2637-3889
E-mail: jil555@kornet.net
Wooil Hightech Co., Ltd.
#521 Chunggu Bluevill
Bldg., 11-1 Sunae-dong,
Bundang-gu, Seongnam City,
Kyunggi-do, Korea 463-825
Phone: 822-34733561
Fax: 822-34733560
Envilab Sdn Bhd
2 Jalan Sungai Kayu Ara
32/38 Sec.32 Berjaya Ind Park
40460 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Phone: 603/57409888
Fax: 603/57409868
E-mail: info@its-envilab.com
Contact: Ms. GT Chua gtchua@its-envilab.com
Helguera Tecnologias Del Agua, SA DE CV
Miguel Glinka No 78
Heroe De Nacozari
Ciudad De Mexico 07780 Mexico
Phone: 52-55-57529600
Fax: 52-55-57543603
E-mail: info@helguera.com.mx
2 Jalan Sungai Kayu Ara
32/38 Sec.32 Berjaya Ind Park
40460 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Phone: 603/57409888
Fax: 603/57409868
E-mail: info@its-envilab.com
Contact: Ms. GT Chua gtchua@its-envilab.com
Milispec International BV.
Huygensstraat 15
Berkel en Rodenrijs
2652 XK
The Netherlands
Phone: 0031-10-4400980
Fax: 0031-10-4400988
E-mail:E-mail: info@milispec.com
Contact: John van der Hoeven
Aquacorp Pty Ltd
52 Sherriff Street
Underdale 5032
Attn: Sales
Phone: 618/82349411
Fax: 618/82349477
E-mail: sales@aquacorp.com.au
Hallmark Technical Services
PO Box 639, Postal Code 320
Barka Industrial Area,
Phone: +968 98181637
Fax: +968 26883973
E-mail: sales@htswater.com
Hidroquimica Industrial
Av La Encalada No 1420
OF. 803 Monterrico
Santiago De Surco
Lima 33 Peru
Phone: 511-7119587
Fax: FAX:511-7184158
E-mail: comercializacion@hidroquimica.com
Brownstone Asia-tech Inc
940 P. Lopez Street
barangay New Zaniga
Mandaluyong City 1550 Philippines
ph: 632-423-9719 F:632-501-3637
Rua Thillo Krassman No 7, Bloco
amazem 7 Abrunheira
sintra 2710-141 Portugal
Phone: 351-219156380
Fax: 351-219156420
E-mail: enkrott@enkrott.pt
Abdullatif H Abuljadayel & Sons Co
Al-manar Dist
8113 Qais Ibn Zahair
Jeddah 23402 Saudi Arabia
p: 966-920026696 F:966-126285854
e: Info@alajlabchem.net
ITS Envirochem PTE LTD
219 Henderson Road #08-03
Singapore 159556
Phone: 65-6309-3212
Fax: 65-6273-0810
E-mail: info@its-envirochem.com
Contact: Jeslyn Tay
Tecnicas Ecologicas Indalo, SA
Cea Bermudez, 31
28003-Madrid, Spain
Attn: Mrs. M. E. Miralles
Phone: 34-91-5548029
Fax: 34-91-5530957
E-mail: indalo@indalo.com.es
Solenis Sweden Ab
Box 622
Hogastensgatan 18
Helsingborg Se-251 06 Sweden
Phone: 46-313375030
Fax: 46-313375050
Today’s Instruments Co., Ltd.
Pan Asia Commercial Building
8FL No. 71, Chung-Shan Road
Lin-Kou Hsiang, Taipei Hsien
Taiwan R.O.C.
Phone: 886-2-26032311
Fax: 886-2-26032333
E-mail: todays@todays.com.tw
ILAB Fluid Control CO., LTD.
92/22 Soi Nuanchan Ramindra Road
Klonghum, Boenghum, Bangkok
10230 Thailand
Phone: (662) 5195556; 9443721-2
Fax: (662) 5191299
E-mail: ilabfcco@loxinfo.co.th
# 133 Arena Road,
Freeport, Trinidad, West Indies
Phone: (868) 673-6965/7752
Fax: (868) 673-4166
E-mail: admin@instrumenttechnologies.com
Eflochem Chemicals Blending Co LLC
P. O. Box 12282
Dubai, UAE
Email: sales@eflochem.com
Phone: 971-4-3472900
Fax: 971-4-3472796
Advanced Watertek LLC.
P. O. Box 24647,
Dubai, UAE
Contact: Mr. Balu G. Nair
Phone: 971-4-3333100
Fax: 971-4-3332570
Email: sales@advancedwatertek.com
Envilab Sdn Bhd
2 Jalan Sungai Kayu Ara
32/38 Sec.32 Berjaya Ind Park
40460 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Phone: 603/57409888
Fax: 603/57409868
E-mail: info@its-envilab.com
Contact:Ms. GT Chua gtchua@its-envilab.com